Today, let's talk about training and how to learn
anything online. I strongly believe that we live in a wonderful era,
perhaps one of the most beautiful times and from the point of view of information,
certainly the best, because we have access to
practically infinite information and at no cost or, sometimes, at a very low cost. . And
so we have to make the most of this thing to get new skills and new
knowledge. It is an age in which ignorance is not justified. So today
we will see 13 sites with which you can learn anything online. The first site that I want to recommend today is called Udemy
and is probably one of the most famous platforms ever for online courses. It is certainly one of
those that has the largest database available: there are thousands or I think
tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of courses on any topic.
Find courses on gardening, cooking, javascript programming
, growth hacking.

There is everything on Udemy. Most of the courses are
in English, although courses in other languages are now starting to come out. It i
one of those that has the lowest costs in circulation, but the quality is not always the
highest, I tell you. So before buying a course maybe go and
read the reviews go and see what the contents of the course are and what those who have already bought that course think. The second site that I want to recommend today is called
Skillshare and this too has a huge database in which you can find courses of all kinds. As far as I
know about Skillshare the courses are only in English, if I remember correctly. Unlike Udemy we saw before, on Skillshare the quality of the
courses is a little bit higher and very often the courses are run by teachers who are,
in quotes, famous within their respective areas, in their own themes
they teach within of those courses and also on Skillshare there are
also ad hoc packages for teams and companies.

So it is perfect if, for
example, you want to train your employees or if you plan to have
your boss buy training for you or the other people who work in the
company with you. The third site I want to recommend in this video is
called Lynda, written with Y, Lynda. Lynda is a very famous platform that was
acquired a few years ago (I don't remember 3-4 years) ago by LinkedIn, the
professional social network and has now become part of the
LinkedIn network, because LinkedIn owns several sites. Lunda is another crazy site, the courses are exclusively
on the issues of the digital world, there are many free previews, but there are no free courses, if I remember correctly. On Lynda the
characteristic is that the courses are organized by professional figures, therefore by
professional paths and therefore you, for example, want to invest in
a certain type of courses because you thought you were going to make a certain career, or
you want to transform your profile into a new one. professional? Lynda is the
right place for you because you go up there, look for the profile that
suits you best and see which courses she recommends to take to
get that kind of competence.

The fourth site that I point out to you in this video, hold on tight because it is an all-Italian site. Otherwise
I already knew that someone was starting to tell me "ah but you're only reporting
American sites, the courses are all in English and so on" is called Lacerba. Lacerba
punto IO, lacerba.io and is probably the most important
Italian site for what concerns the issues of training in the digital world.
Among other things, above you will also find my course on growth hacking (I open and close parentheses). There are a lot of
free courses, so if you just want to peek to watch some
free content without paying anything and then find a lot of content, both
short with courses of an hour or so, both masterclasses and then
courses a a little longer, perhaps 7-10-15 hours to deepen in a
very very specific way the issues related to digital. So
let's talk programming, let's talk marketing,
growth hacking personal branding and so on.

There really is everything! The fifth site that I recommend in this video
is called Coursera and why is Coursera really very very cool and is it in this
video? Because the courses are taken by some American universities such as Stanford, Duke,
San Diego and so on. So they are courses held by professors who are
inside those universities and, if you think about it, it's a crazy thing
because you sitting on your sofa in Catania, Bergamo or Rome can study a
course of a professor who has done two years in California. it does and is a thing of
incredible value. Furthermore, Coursera is interesting because among the sites that I have
listed in this video, it is one of the few that also have
a certification system. So if in addition to wanting to acquire the
competence you are interested for some reason, perhaps business, to also put a
certification on your curriculum this site you must keep an eye on it. Site number 6, on the other hand, is called Codecademy.

Codecademy is
very very vertical because it is a site that only hosts training courses related to the world
of programming. So any language you want to learn, from php
to javascript to cobol to pascal to anything else you can think of
(no maybe pascal no) go to Codecademy and you will surely find one or more specific
training courses for that programming language, too at
different levels of difficulty: so there are those for beginners who
have just approached the subject, and also those a little more advanced for
those who may already know how to fiddle with that language but want to acquire some
extra skills.

The seventh site is literally a bomb, hold on tight,
it's called edX written e-d-x and like another site that I told you previously also on
edX there are free courses hosted by the best American universities.
So, for example, Berkeley, Harvard, MIT. There are these universities that
release their courses, so let's talk about the top American universities, who
release their courses for free, accessible on the edX platform. There is a
huge catalog, it seems to me of 2,000 or 3,000 courses or something like that.
So, once again, from the comfort of your own sofa, you
could theoretically take a course that was taught by a professor
at MIT this summer.

African-American Pexels Photo 6190867

Not a small thing! Site number 8, which I recommend today, is called
LifeLearning and this is Italian too. So for those who aren't
very familiar with English, keep an eye out for Lacerba and LifeLearning. LifeLearning has a very large catalog, I think more than
two thousand courses at the moment and, unlike the other sites I have
listed so far, there are not only courses related to digital subjects, but
you can also find a little something on the humanistic world. The ninth site is called Udacity and we return to American sites
with content in English. Udacity also focuses vertically on issues related to
digital, but it has the characteristic, unlike many sites I
mentioned earlier, of having this format of courses which is called "Nano degree"
which are a sort of, we could define them almost mini masters, they are
very long training courses.

It is not the course for an hour
to understand us or for 4-5 hours, but they are very very long, sometimes they last weeks, even months which are however very
very useful and very very interesting in case you want to do a type
of very in- depth training, because maybe you need a certification,
you want there to be a quality teacher on the other side because maybe you need that type of
course to make a career in the company or because you are moving to
a different area. Site number 10 is called Khan Academy with K. KHAN,
Khan Academy, and it has a slightly different structure than the sites I
showed previously because Khan Academy organizes the whole structure
of its courses based on the type of preparation you are doing, based on the
type of school attended, based on the type of exam you are preparing,
then you will find the specific subjects above them, so you need support
on mathematics, on history, or you are taking a certain type of exam,
a certain type of certification specialization and so on? Go to
Khan Academy, go to see that subject you are interested in, and there you will find a
series of contents to train you on that subject.

The site number 11 (number 11) is called FutureLearn èd is very very cool actually because, unlike the
others, FutureLearn focuses a lot on the jobs of the future. So let's say it's a
bit let's say the payoff, the promise of this site, to train you on what
will be the professions of the future, the professions that will
exist in 5-10-20 years and, unlike all the other sites we have since they
talked about digital, and programming, marketing and so on, on Future Learn
you will find a lot of stuff that also concerns the humanities
, health, psychology and much more.

The penultimate site, number 12, is called Pluralsight. Pluralsight, on the other hand, is really very very niche, very very specific for topics, also in this case
related to technology and digital, but with things of a
very very advanced level and, as I said before, very very specific.
And then, for example, you will find courses that deal with the world of hacking,
computer security, very very advanced programming languages, very very
modern and so on. So if you are looking for a little something a bit higher and
maybe even a little more expensive, take a look there. And as always, site number 13 is a bomb. I always keep some little bowler hats for the end of these
videos. It is called Masterclass. Masterclass works with a fixed subscription,
so you don't buy the single course, but it allows you to access courses
where the teacher is a famous person and is the only one of the 13 sites I
told you today that does this.

So, for example, you'll find Dan Drown taking a class
on how to write a novel, Scorsese taking a class on how to direct a movie,
famous chefs like Gordon Ramsay teaching you how to cook and so on. As we said they are very very atypical, because on
the other hand there is no teacher in the classic sense of the term, but there are people who are
super famous within their sector and will teach you how to do that
particular thing, that particular subject. . This video also ends here. We made a super-plank of 13 sites this
time too. I remind you to go and see the other videos of this type too, because this is
a series where I am recommending a lot of useful sites in many fields, in many
topics so you might find something useful for your work. If you think this video was useful, interesting and
maybe it could also be useful to a friend, colleague or someone you know
remember to share the video or tag it below. As
always, however, I remind you to subscribe to my Facebook page and my YouTube channel
to not miss the next videos.

Until next time!.

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In questo nuovo video della rubrica "13 siti per" parlo di corsi online gratis e non.

Vi segnalo 13 siti dove poter studiare qualsiasi cosa a costo zero o molto contenuto: dai corsi online di informatica e programmazione ai corsi online di psicologia e tanto altro.

Ci sono i corsi online più richiesti dal mercato, utili da seguire se volete cambiare percorso lavorativo o fare carriera.

Alcuni sono siti che offrono corsi online riconosciuti e corsi online con attestato.

Qui la lista:
00:33 Udemy

01:16 Skillshare

01:58 Lynda

02:53 Lacerba

03:46 Coursera

04:36 Codecademy

05:15 edX

05:58 LifeLearning

06:22 Udacity

07:09 Khan Academy

07:46 FutureLearn

08:21 Pluralsight

08:54 Masterclass


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