Djembe Repair: Knotting the Rings : Djembe Repair: Putting on the Bottom Ring

Okay, so now if you're going to be making
this drum, drum, so we're going to be having twenty six knots. We have twenty
six knots on the top ring, but the bottom ring, before we put it on, we're only going
to do twenty five. When you put the ring….but we're going to leave it nice and loose for
now, and you'll see in a minute, make sure that you have…that you're rope is facing
this way. Like, the little bumps, facing towards your top ring. We're going to…see there's
two sides. You want it this side, facing out, these bumps facing up, and these ones here.
So, yep, so get ready, we're going to pull it. We're going to finish our last knot. So,
like I said, leave one knot without doing it, we're going to pull it tight, and then
you're going to finish that last knot on the drum..

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Djembe Repair: Knotting the Rings : Djembe Repair: Putting on the Bottom Ring

In djembe repair, put on the bottom ring with the loops facing the top ring. Put on the bottom ring of a djembe drum using the djembe repair tips in this free video.

Expert: Heidi Kirchhofer
Bio: Heidi Kirchofer is a 3rd generation wood-lover; her father and grandfather are carpenters. She mostly works wood in instrument making and work on her house.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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