$0.50 Kulukki Sarbath Juice Stand in Kochi 🇮🇳

Hello, hello, my friends and welcome to
another video here in India specifically down in the states of Kerala
in Kochi which is one of the larger cities in this area that I just flew
into not too long ago. And we are actually heading down to a
place that was just recommended if you saw in the last video by the kind
gentleman named Sebastian and he said to head down to marine drive. So, like
down here there's a lot of things to do markets places to go and so that is
where our tuk-tuk driver's taking us right now.

Probably just gonna hop out at one of these spots and kind of see what happens.
Yeah, yeah, perfect. Yep, how much my friend?
How much? How much? How much my friend?
How much? I like
you tell me the price. How much? Seventy? Alright.
Thank you. Thank you. Honest and kind man there yeah, he took
me probably like 10 minutes or so charged me what I believe is local's
price so gave him 200 when he said 70 was the price and now we're down here in
this area. So, we're kind of gonna walk around and check it out as you can see
here we've got some pretty decorated buses right over here. All up front and
they definitely got the natural ac on that one no windows on the bus but we
are in luck because you know what we're coming up on we're coming up on a
sunglass spot which is what I’ve been looking for literally since I got to
India, I need a pair of sunglasses so badly.

So, let's see if we can find a pair
that's gonna be good. Hello, my friends. We've got nice sunglasses here. Oh, yes. This is the pair yeah let me set that
down right there for a second let's try these on guys this is just like the pair
that broke not too long ago. Oh, yeah. Let's see how these look.
Oh, baby baby we are back in business. These are the ones that actually when I
was in Sri Lanka the wasp finesse that was like filled up this elevator.
All the wasps came running out and then and then literally I stepped on my
favorite glasses. So, we've got one pair there
and now here's the mirror my friend thank you for that we've got other
options too. We've got a pair of Nike glasses, yeah.
Are these ones a vibe too alright we're gonna need to get that mirror out.
I’m not sure those are the ones. Maybe, maybe.
How much for these? 300.
Two for 500? Two for 500?
150 Deal.
Alright, so we've got oh Thank you very much my friend.
Thank you oh I gotta grab my water.

Thank you. Guys, you are looking at a proud new
owner of two of the exact same pairs of glasses, you
want to know I bought two of them because these are the exact style almost.
They're like 90 percent similar to my signature glasses that I always wear and to be
honest I’m sure you can find these glasses pretty easily but just in case I
bought two pairs just like for any reason I lose them I break them if
they're like cheap sunglasses because I realized how bad it was like being out
in this hot sun and not having sunglasses like you guys saw me
squinting in some of my other videos.

Alright, guys I am feeling great and let
me know what you guys think of these glasses these are what I consider to be
my signature style so. We've got juices over there
but let's see. Oh, it is a hot day here in Kochi busy day too.
Kind of the hustle and bustle of a Tuesday down here.
I’m not sure where all the attractions are seems like right in this area mainly
we have shops we have kind of a business district I guess you could call it and I
guess we're gonna see where we should end up going somewhere in this area

Oh, look there's my shop American
Tourister. That's a nice shop name there. Hello, my friend.
Where's the best place to walk here? Over this way? How far? This area so I crossed the street here
Thank you, my friend. Thank you alia [bro] Alright, so we've got some good
recommendations guys. We're going to cut a left here
and see where that takes us. Gotta cross one of these crazy busy roads/ So let's
see oh and we're going for it successful walk across.
And let's see. Well, we've got the biryani station right
over there.

Alright it looks like I’m reading the
sign municipal corporation of Kochi that's a good sign my guess is that must
be some sort of a market street so we shall see where this leads to. Palm
tree dales– dates nuts chocolates this is like the motorbike central
street another American Tourister. That's a pretty popular shop in this area guys.
Alright. Oh, you can smell the smells of the
aromas from the cinnamon, the nuts. That is a good smell we might even have
to go searching for some food here pretty soon guys. Oh we have fresh juices
cold coffees might need– might need a little something something to get me
going. Coffee, tea.
Alright, we'll keep looking a little bit longer.
Oh, we've got– we've got some people flagging us down over here.
What does this mean. We got something good in here to call me from across the
street. What do we got going on on this side of the shop? Hi! Hello! How are you?
Good and you? It kind of reminds me of
an Egyptian or Jordanian perfume.

Oh, baby, baby. You are from? From the U.S. And you? You are from Kochi? Kochi, Assam. Assam, nice place over there. And your good name? Muhammad Iqbal sir. Oh, wow. How do I say it? Sorry. How do I say your
name? Your name? Mac,, nice to meet you. Alright, so we
got good perfumes here yeah Oh, and how much does something like that– 850. 100 rupees discount. Oh it's 750 I don't know that I need lotion at the moment.
What are the things you got in here? Men's items.

Oh, it smells like alcohol. Can you drink
it? No, natural, natural. Oh, not bad what else we got down here? Hats and other things. We've got a Dubai
hat. Dubai hat.
Would it be wrong buying a Dubai hat in India though, yeah.
Yeah, I agree I agree. Let's see here. Let me check out
this one. Green, green's a good color, yeah. Nice, nice but oh
American underwear yeah yeah oh those are nice
those would be pretty funny if I bought those. They look nice though. Yeah what
else different- different patterns. Other colors underwear.
Alright, alright, let's see what else we got going on.
We got rings too. What is that I don't know if I’ve room in my suitcase for more
of those, okay. I’m trying to see if there's anything I

Oh, we got keychains too. You know that I never go around with a
keychain. And alright what do we got all the way
on this side. How much for these bracelets? Bracelets
only my friend 120. Indian 120. There we go. Selling price 150. Alright well let's- let's get the
bracelet done. We'll go with the bracelet. We'll go with the bracelet, yeah.
Oh, let's see here. Alright, we got we'll get this bracelet that'll have to
do the trick today. We try it on now make sure it fits.
Ah there we go try it out oh wow that's looking fresh that
looks like– Correct size. That's got it. That's a match made in heaven oh yeah
that's looking good what do you guys think good? Yeah,
perfect. Alright, we'll take it nani [Thank you] alia 20 rupees. Yeah.

Perfect guys we are styling right now. We'v got the new glasses we've got the new bracelet, yesterday the new rings. Thank you, my friend, that's perfect. We'll
see you next time thank you. Okay we'll do. Next time it'll be for the
perfume. Alright proper marketing there they
got me from across the street so I said you know what I’m definitely gonna get
something. Oh it smells nice my friends it does smell nice. Guys, I guess this
video is turning into a market hunt didn't really know it was gonna turn
into a market hunt. If I’m honest with you but why not right. Alright you know
I can't argue with this shirt actually I don't even know what that means low
battery and low WIFI I like the shirt so guys that bracelet for 120 came out to
roughly two dollars maybe slightly less than that.

So, good price overall and I
had to make a sale from those guys they earned it for sure didn't want the
perfume to be honest with the perfumer cologne he had did smell very nice
but I’ve already got one and I’ve got a pack so lightly that even even one thing
too much can over pack. Can cause me to over pack a little bit and before
when I’ve been traveling with more than one bottle of cologne or perfume as some
call it one of them got confiscated because you're only allowed to have in
some airports one of them in your bag. Alright, guys I think I found where
we're supposed to go I just stopped by to get a quick beverage actually wasn't
filming for a second because my camera overheated and now it's cooled down
we're crossing a busy highway here and then we're going to be walking right
down this way.

Oh, oh, wow. That's an ambulance right there. Hello! We got a honk out of them. Good man, oh
and we missed our chance to cross we're gonna go for it. Three, two, one, and
we're going. So yeah, I guess right along this way is the area to go hang out and
explore. So, we're gonna see what types of things we're gonna get ourselves into I
wouldn't be surprised if we ended up on another boat though because I see boats
over there and to be honest guys if it's a thing to do I’m doing it and let me
tell you this oh ho ho that breeze is just literally drying out my body I’m
not gonna lie I’m pretty sweaty right now sorry that's TMI but that's the
reality when you're here in one of the hottest times of the year to visit
Kerala area so this is a nice spot to be at though we've got some proper shade
coverage over here and it seems like it's a pretty common spot to be hanging
out at everyone's relaxing enjoying the shade and let me tell you this I am too
at the moment.

Seems like there's a fair amount of boats maybe I don't know
dinner cruises or something because I guess now we're probably more on the
ocean at the moment and yeah, wow alright so it seems like
we've got some sort of unique looking bridge up here we'll have to check that
out we've got ice creams under it just in case we're feeling hungry but I did
just down a red bull so we'll see. Let's see what we got going on over here we've
got good pineapple here my friend? Pineapple fresh?
Oh yeah, I’ll take one please how much? 20 rupees oh that's a bargain.

Oh, there we go thank you very much my
friend. Just one packet. Thank you, alright. We
got ourselves some fresh pineapple here honestly, I needed a little something
something to line the stomach. Oh, yeah.
That is nice. Nice and refreshing. Wow, pretty
picturesque looking bridge here got like a suspension type of bridge all the way
up and down this way good recommendation from our buddy Sebastian nice area to
walk through. Oh, guys this breeze right now I’m gonna literally probably say it for the next
like 20 minutes while I walk this way because it's the first time I got some
of the natural AC. Let me tell you this it's quite nice

Definitely a cool spot to walk around at as you can see shops with a
little bit of everything all types of toys I’m not sure I need any at the
moment but we've got rings we've got fruit stands oh yeah and it seems like
it goes for a few kilometers down this way. That is some juicy juicy pineapple What type of juice is it? it's normal limes. normal limes and
that's the best one? The basic one.
Do you think it's a best flavor? Best flavor, yeah? Hello, this is the best
flavor? Nobody knows.

Alright we'll do one of
those. One of those please, yeah. Oh yeah one one passion fruit so this
looks quite delicious here passion fruit and mango are my two favorite fruits in
the world so. So how do we make this here? What's the process? Are you vlogging? I’m
vlogging, yeah, yeah. And your good name? My name is Sajit.
Sajit, nice to meet you. Mac. I’m from the U.S.

Yes and you
from Kerala? Yeah. It's a nice state it's very nice. Oh there we go
we're squeezing this thing right up so it looks like we got one lime in there
we're dousing that thing with some sugar oh, just a little sugar and Oh, got some fresh ice there.
Fresh ice the good ice, yeah. The filtered filtered ice?
Oh, perfect there we go we got the little hammer action going on back there
and there we go alright and what's next here we're going oh and he's
cutting that thing. Wow, master with that thing guys.
Oh and the lime sprays everywhere. This is a proper fruit smoothie here
that's great and what is that thing this is some sort of like it almost looks
like mini eyes. That's gonna be good and we're tossing a
little it looks like a little more water in there and that is a fruit juice

We're gonna do the bartender way. We're gonna shake that
thing up aren't we? There we go he's tossing it up. Whoa, whoa. He's tossing this thing up. Wow, risky
business right there that's how we do it I don't think it could be any more shooken up than that that's going to be
delish– Whoa! This is guys this is a proper show here
it's not just a juice it's a toss around and we're playing the drums right there
too oh yeah now that that is how you make a juice.
Thank you. Thank you very much. Nani alia [Thank you very much] Oh yeah, now that is good that is delicious. And it's best juice in Kochi, yeah. World famous juice maker right here. Best juice in Kochi, yeah. Wow, guys I must
say it's got a nice sugary taste to it. We've got the squirts of lime in
there and the passion fruit all that's morphing together to make a really good
flavor. And your good name? Mac nice to meet you nice with you and
this is best juice in all of Kerala yeah
yeah, perfect nice and sweet and delicious.

Oh, it's unique only to Kerala. I don't know how to say that. Guys, that's what we got Kerala local
right here [___] yeah yeah, Kerala special yeah, we're gonna
call it Kerala special. That's much easier. That's delicious what is one of
these costs 40 rupees 40 rupees alright. That's an an absolute bargain
too. Alright there's the tip for a good show thank you
YouTube YouTube channel is a World Nomac Oh, thank you. Nani alia [Thank you]
Thank you very much. We'll see you guys next time.
Delicious, oh yeah that was delicious guys just loaded myself up with some
fresh Kerala's special juices. Whoa we got a dancer over here.
There we go we walked up at the right time here.

go bro. What's your good name? My name is [__] Nice to meet you oh and he lost the bracelet. Oh, my God. Magic trick there.
You see that yeah very good very good it's done now so what's going on this is
the best place to hang out in Kochi. in Kerala?
What's your name? My name is Mac oh there we go Mac. Michael,
Michael M.A.C
Nice name. Thank you, thank you. You guys are all locals from here? Yeah
Where are you from? U.S. Oh, nice my first day here oh I arrived yesterday
from Sri Lanka. Yeah, all the time for two and a half years. Oh my God. Sometimes. YouTube channel. Gotta have the card ready to go. You guys
will all be in it here.

You guys gotta teach me a word in the
local language. How do I say long live India. In Hindi. Jai Hind.
Yes. You like that yeah and what's the word in malayam. Cz that's the language here. What's a good word I should learn. Don't mess with me because it will be on video. That's a good one? So, I tell that to
someone I wanna meet. Yes, alright. Alright let's see you try it okay alright say it to someone on the street.

Cool nice to meet you guys. Goodbye see
you. Oh good time walking through these streets here guys. Very friendly locals I
love when people enjoy being on the camera because it just makes things that
much more exciting. So here it is seems like we still have another half
kilometer we can walk down this way. Take over the vlog here let's see it bro.
Thank you, my friend got some pop-up, dancers here so why you gotta keep the
camera rolling at all times you never know what's gonna happen and there's
a good example of it. Lots of markets over here though I think we've covered
pretty much the whole like marina walkway area and so
yeah, it's pretty cool over here in terms of like the marina walking and the
markets right near it a lot to see a lot to do but I feel like I haven't even
explored it so I’m gonna probably cruise down this way see what that ends up
turning out to be.

Alright guys I’m actually, gonna get an uber now. Try
them on get a little AC rather than doing the natural AC in
the tuk-tuk. So whenever our guy gets here Ashokan he's gonna be taking me
to a really good coffee shop so he's gonna be coming up here somewhere let
me clean the lens off. He's gonna be showing up any second
now in a white Hyundai Aeon Hello, Ashokan.
How are you? Alright, we're all set. Yes please.
Looks like we're gonna be going right near the Kochi naval airport.
We're looking at about a 20-minute ride. Wow, must be that
Kochi traffic at this time. Oh yeah, we're still getting some of that
natural AC and let me tell you that it feels very very good cooling down the
body after cruising out there.

Alright guys we have made it to what's
said to be one of the best coffee shops here in Kochi. Now we just gotta figure
out how the heck we're going to cross this road there's a lot going on and
there is a large distance to cross but there it is we got water views right
there we gotta make it across here at some point.
Oh, and we're gonna make it just in time.

So, it's called fresh trees.
It looks like a good time over here got a rooftop and they've got some shade
covering down here. Oh, they've got some sweets. Hello, my
friend. Got some good coffees here, yeah? Yeah
best coffees in Kochi? Yeah. Oh that's that's great news iced coffees too? Oh, that's food right there yeah. The
drinks menu yeah. Perfect oh yeah that's looking good can
I try a yeah, strawberry banana smoothie
and then also iced coffee yeah those two yeah and Maybe no food for now. I’ll start
with the drinks. Thank you, my friend. Alright so we're
gonna get some seats right up here near the water and then we've got the
best seats in town right here guys look at that does it get any more
picturesque than that.

That's pretty sweet. So this is the strawberry
banana my friend, yeah. Oh that looks delicious and your good name? My name is [__]
Nice to meet you. Mac. Let's try this thing out oh yeah. That is delicious. That is absolutely
fantastic strawberry banana with these types of views guys look at that water
is just crispy and shiny with light. That is freaking delicious.
Oh yeah, it's about two U.S for one of these at this spot right here it's
kind of like the only spot actually in this area when we were cruising over
here in the uber I was a little surprised I was like are we going to the
right place but it's just kind of like smack dab right in the middle and
there's not too many things surrounding it you got the bridge on the other side
you got a couple fishermen out there in the distance and that is about it. Iced
tea that looks delicious. We've even got– Is that a mini-iced tea up top yeah, I
can drink that one? Oh, it's for show, yeah.
That looks great look at the presentation on that thing
fantastic looking so it looks like we've got like halfway up there some sort of
like mint leaves and give it a little taste test.
Oh, yeah now that is rich in flavor very good that's gonna be rehydrating me
after all that walking I probably put in maybe almost 10 kilometers of walking
today nope could be an exaggeration probably just feels like that because
it's warm out but this does the trick.

Very sugary, very nice. Alright bounce
when I pulled out the camera he's gone until next time whistled out and then he
came over I thought he didn't come super close I was like alright this is one
of those moments when you gotta get the camera rolling because you never know
what's gonna happen. Almost through this whole thing guys.
Almost fully rehydrated and to give you an idea what this all cost I believe the
smoothie was 150 so oh the umbrella popped out on me. There we go we're back in business. I think the ice team was like maybe 100
rupees so maybe a dollar fifty so together for
these two delicious drinks well presented like four bucks so
a little bit more expensive let's say your average local place but like for
the modern design you got over here I think you get what you pay for don't you
think. Bill my friend am I able to make the payment for the bill? Perfect.

Thank you.
So, what is your YouTube channel. My name is Mac.
Nice to meet you. Your good name? Nice to meet you, Manush.
So total we got 273. Alright, thank you so much. I am from the U.S Yeah, yeah and you guys are from
Kerala no I am from Nepal. Nepal ah nice I want to visit Nepal I hear it's
beautiful how many years have you lived here? Here this is my first time. First
time? So you just moved here? Welcome?
That's exciting are you happy to be here? Yeah happy to be here? Yeah yeah
nice that's great. I changed. Oh okay no problem, no problem.
No change though my friends. Thank you so much. I’ll see you guys next
time. I’ll be back.
Got my uber driver here.

Okay thank you very much. Nice to meet you all. Goodbye.
Very nice people here guys and delicious tea and a smoothie there so
I’m feeling quite good that's right over here at fresh- fresh trees garden café. So
very nice and now we're looking for our driver guys that's probably where
I’m gonna go ahead and end today's video though if you've enjoyed today's video
while we did a little exploration kind of a random market hunt went down to the
marina did everything make sure you guys smash that like button helps this
channel so so much if you want to see more videos in India or all around the
world hit that subscribe button below and I will see you guys in tomorrow's


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$0.50 Kulukki Sarbath Juice Stand in Kochi 🇮🇳

I went out to the streets of Kochi Kerala India to do some exploration today. I started out around the Marine Drive area and went to the local markets and shopped around. After I walked over to the Marine Drive walkway to take a stroll along the coast and see the nature, water, and atmosphere. From here I stopped to try the famous Kulukki Sabbath Juice for 40 rupees.

After walking around for a while, I ended up taking an uber over to a lakeside cafe to finish off the day with some iced tea and a smoothie. It was another great day exploring Kochi India.

This is 1 video of the 50+ videos from my Youtube vlog series about my time in INDIA 🇮🇳 you can find the entire playlist of videos here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLodUbM5aOmqxCVs5WlmuoVH217GRJ-pgw

More Travel Info:
Travel insurance: https://travelinsurancemaster.com/a?a85c8702-c4fb-42a3-b0f4-3c048d7ba860
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Packing & Camera Gear I use: https://www.worldnomac.com/travel-vlogging-gear
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Tips to Save Money Traveling: https://worldnomac.ck.page/791217597e

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#India #KulukkiSarbath #KochiKerala

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