Djembe Drum Care : Djembe Drum Bags: Bag Fabrics

O.k., so to start with your bag you need some
fabric. This is a quilted fabric so it's two sided. Sometimes they're reversible and they
have some crazy stuff on one side and something else on the other. This is just solid black.
If you're really rough on your drum or you travel a lot you might want a double layer,
you can put like a layer of canvas on the outside or something really thick.

This is
pretty durable but if you're going to say go to Mexico for the winter and drag it on
the dirt; you might want to get something thicker. So just for today we're going to
one layer of fabric. So to start, measure the top of your drum because that's going
to be that biggest part so just measure twice cut once they say. So be sure here how big
your drum is. You don't really want to go with the measure of your ring in case you
measure your ring because if you have fur on the outside of it, you got you're fingers
under there. So we have 53 inches around so that's going to be the top of our cylinder.
So I'm going to use chalk to mark out the, the fabric..

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Djembe Drum Care : Djembe Drum Bags: Bag Fabrics

Djembe drum bags have different fabrics depending on style and functionality preferences. Pick out the fabric for a bag to hold djembe drums with tips from an instrument maker in this free video on djembe drums.

Expert: Heidi Kirchhofer
Bio: Heidi Kirchofer is a 3rd generation wood-lover; her father and grandfather are carpenters. She mostly works wood in instrument making and work on her house.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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