Developing Blast Beats The RIGHT Way – Tips From A Pro Drummer

– Hello everybody. Derek Roddy here
at Drumeo Studios. Okay I have a couple of tips that will help you
develop your blast beats and anybody who's
familiar with my playing knows that I'm a balance freak. I believe that
everything that happens in this genre of playing
blast beats and double bass really centers on balance. So here's an exercise
that I feel that has, it's been most beneficial
for me as a player trying to develop this, okay? First thing we wanna start
off is alternating 16th notes between a hand and a foot. There's four combinations. First combination. Right hand, right foot. And, you could do this
floor tom, on snare drum, on various drums,
kinda doesn't matter, what you're focusing on is
the alternating, okay, so. Here it is a little slower. Here it is a little faster. Okay. Second combination. Left hand, left foot.

Little slower. And a little faster. Okay, combination three. Right hand, left foot. Little slower. And a little faster. Okay, last combination. Left hand, right foot. A little faster. Okay. So these are the
four combinations. Again, let's go back
to what I said earlier about the time limits. Okay, time limits is
something I like to apply to most all of the exercises
that I give you guys. What you wanna do
is start at a tempo that is just under
your comfort level because this is gonna
help you develop quicker than starting, you
know, somewhere that's very comfortable
for you, so, push it just a little bit
to where it's almost outside of your comfort level, and
to remember when you do that, do that starting with
your weaker limb, okay? 'Cause you'll start off
faster with your strong side and then realize when it
goes to your weaker side you're not that fast so
always start these exercises with your weaker side.

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Okay here's another
weak side development. It's not really an exercise,
it's more of a concept. And that concept is just simply
using your weaker side more. And what I mean by that, if
you're playing in a band, in an everyday band,
right, and you're, whether it's a cover gig,
whether it's originals, whatever you're doing,
if you can execute the parts that you need to
execute with your weaker side, you should be doing that, okay? And what I mean
by that, you know, if you're playing
this kind of thing, simply use your left foot. Play with it more often. Same thing with the left hand. Again, being aware. Simply using your
left side more often, obviously will make it better. Something we don't think about, something that kinda
goes overlooked because we go through
our autopilot motion. You know, as a drummer. Use your weaker side more. Definitely helps And of course if you guys dig this, head on over to Drumeo! Tons of stuff that I've got
there that work on blast beats, different exercises for
spacing and balance.

Check it out, head
on over,

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Developing Blast Beats The RIGHT Way - Tips From A Pro Drummer

Derek Roddy has gained a reputation worldwide as an extreme metal drummer. And in this lesson he shares his expertise with regards to the genre and, specifically, with regards to blast beats.

Developing blast beats the right way can be the difference between a basement drummer and a recording professional. Considering Derek has earned himself the nickname "One Take" for being able to record entire albums in a single afternoon, its pretty obvious which one he is. Derek will break down the mechanics of this technical movement and help you understand exactly how to set yourself up for success and get you blasting faster.

If you're familiar with Derek's playing, you'll know that he's all about balance! When it comes to blast beats and double bass playing, having all your limbs on an equal skill level is crucial to having a consistent sound - so that's exactly why we are giving you these tips from a pro drummer.

#tipsfromaprodrummer #blastbeats #drumeo
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