DJEMBE i szpital psychiatryczny

You know what people attitude is towards mental health issues… Generally, it is a taboo subject. Not many people are prepared to get involved because they are simply ..
-Affraid. Mental health illnesses are not generally discussed on the public forum.
Yes…. So are they discussed or not? The more heart you put in the better coffee you’ll get. – Hiya.
– Hi Piotrek, listen… This coffee is delicious – smells so good. Listen on the last Djembe Days I came up with an idea. Perhaps we could do something like that in the hospital on my Ward? Why not…

In the form of occupational therapy… as a spice up. I think it could have work out well. Drums in a mental hospital? Why not? Why not? Okay so fill me in with some more details.
What patients do you have, how many of them and how many drums we will need? We have three general psychiatry wards. People with all sorts of different disorders. They are the patients in mental crisis. Mental health crisis has many colors, loads of shades, full of grey shades. We have occupational health therapy, but we can go only so far with it. Fine we can try with drums… We can give it a go for some time and we will see how it would be accepted by patients, whether they won't kick us out… Let's have look how it will work, how patients would respond to it and if they will want to participate in such activity… Lets's find out. – If we won’t be disturbing too much, patients will like it…

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– We will continue. – If Chairman won't kick us out, we will be coming back. – Listen we can possibly expand it to some other forms of theraphy. – Drums, art theraphy, circus workshops… Come on mate let's do it. Give me ta-ta-boom. It wasn’t meant to be so laud. Fine. We would like to invite you to take a part in our project. We would appreciate if you could actively support us through crowdfunding portal – Patronite. The address is: You can check there how to support us. If you like what we want to do and you share our vision, we would be very grateful for any support. Thanks. We would like to ask you to share our project with as many people as possible.

Take care. High five. They said: Let's make a movie Paweł. It will be cool They said. Not really. I feel that I played badly with my face. – Great that you say so, because we recorded it all.
– That’s fantastic it's so important to me. – Oscar.
– Are we recording it all the time? – Yes, you need to train switching off.

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DJEMBE i szpital psychiatryczny

Rocznie ok. 1,5 miliona mieszkańców Polski trafia do szpitali psychiatrycznych. Gdyby ustawić ich jeden za drugim, powstałaby kolejka o długości naszego kraju. Zobacz, jak im pomagamy 🙂

Od kwietnia 2018 prowadzę warsztaty bębniarskie na oddziale psychiatrycznym szpitala w Straszęcinie. Czy wspólna gra na bębnach może pomóc pacjentom w szpitalu psychiatrycznym? Czy jest zainteresowanie? Czy są efekty? Co możemy zrobić więcej?
Polub, komentuj, subsktybuj - w ten sposób nie ponosząc kosztów pomagasz rozwijać ten kanał i dajesz mi więcej motywacji do pracy 🙂

Jeśli nie chcesz lub nie możesz korzystać ze ścieżki audio, włącz napisy.
Magdalena Czarniecka przetłumaczyła na język rosyjski, korektę tłumaczenia zrobiła Natalia Karavajeva.
Ewa Czarniecka przetłumaczyła na język angielski.

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