How to Make African Crafts : Applying Material to Your African Theme Rainstick

Hello! My name is Denise Robinson and I am
a set designer for teleivion and film and I am here on behalf of Expert Village. We
take our pieces of fabric and make sure that the inside of the fabric is facing up; that's
the side you are going to glue and you are going to go the length of the fabric in long
lines. Just continue on down the material or across the material. It doesn't have to
be that thick, the glue. Just want it to stick to the cylinder. This would be a fun project
for kids to do also. Especially if it is a rainy day and they are bored. You can get
them to make these shakers and rain sticks. I'm sure they would be proud of something
they made themselves. Okay now we have it glued the length of the material..

African-American Null

african instruments

How to Make African Crafts : Applying Material to Your African Theme Rainstick

Applying fabric to the outside of your Africa-themed rainstick project; all this and more in this free online educational series of arts and crafts videos taught by design expert Denise Robinson.

Expert: Denise Robinson
Bio: Denise Robinson resides in Austin, Texas. She has designed sets for both TV and film for 12 years in California. She believes that you can create beautiful looks for inexpensive prices.
Filmmaker: Michelle Carter

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