Djembe Repair: Knotting the Rings : Djembe Repair: Matching Knots on the Bottom & Top Rings

Okay, now we're going to get ready to do the
bottom ring. So you already have your piece of rope cut to size, so now count your ring,
count your top ring, count the knots on your top ring. "How many do we have". "Twenty six". So now
we have to put, we're going to get another piece of rope to do twenty six knots on the
bottom ring. So you're going to double it up just as you had it before and you're going
to start making the knots where it's double. So grab your piece of rope,
and there's your first knot. These ones are not going to be spaced two
fingers apart. These are going to be really close together..

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Djembe Repair: Knotting the Rings : Djembe Repair: Matching Knots on the Bottom & Top Rings

In djembe repair, match the number of knots used to tie the top ring to the number of knots used to tie the bottom ring. Match knots on the bottom and top rings of a djembe drum using the djembe repair tips in this free video.

Expert: Heidi Kirchhofer
Bio: Heidi Kirchofer is a 3rd generation wood-lover; her father and grandfather are carpenters. She mostly works wood in instrument making and work on her house.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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