The Djembe Drum

The Djembe drum is a hand held drum used in many African and Caribbean cultures. It is often played by hand, but can also be played with sticks or other implements. The name Djembe is derived from the Mandinka word “djambi”, which means “to beat”.

The Djembe has two main parts; the head and the shell. The head is made of a wooden disk with a thin skin stretched over it. The skin is usually made of animal hide or sheepskin, but may also be made of rubber, plastic or even cloth. The shell is made of a variety of materials such as wood, bamboo or metal. The shell is often decorated with carvings, and painted with designs or pictures.

Djembe drums are traditionally made from the hardwood species Dendropelis sp. (African mahogany). They are usually between 7 to 10 inches in diameter, and between 3 to 5 inches thick. The head is usually 1 inch thick, and the shell is between 2 and 4 inches thick. The shell is typically made of either bamboo or metal, while the head is usually made of hardwood. The head is usually covered with a thin skin that is stretched over the wood. The skin is usually made from animal hide or sheepskin.

The Djembe is most often used to accompany songs and chants. It is also often used to accompany dance performances. In many cultures, the Djembe is often played by hand, though it can also be played with sticks. The Djembe is often played in groups of three or more. Each person plays a different part, and all parts are important. The drummers have their own specific roles.

The Djembes are usually played in a circular fashion, and the players move around the circle. The drums are usually played in sets of three. Each set of three consists of one drummer, and two drummers. The first drummer plays the first part of the song. The second drummer plays the second part of the song. The third drummer plays the last part of the song. The three drums are played at the same time.

The drum is played by hitting the skin with the hand, and by slapping the drum. The drummers use a variety of techniques to play the drum. The most common technique is to strike the drum with the palm of the hand. This is done with a closed fist, and is called “palm strike”. The palm strike is used to create a loud sound, and is used to accompany singing. The drum is also played by slapping the drum. This is done with the back of the hand, and is called “slap.” Slapping is used to create a soft sound, and is used to create a rhythm. The drum is also played using the fingers. This is done by pressing the fingers into the skin of the drum. This is called “finger-pluck”. Finger-pluck is used to create a softer sound, and is used to accent a particular part of a song.

The Djembs are also played by striking the head of the drum with a stick. This is called “stick-slap”. Stick-slap is used to create a loud, deep sound, and is used to add emphasis to a particular part of a song.

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