Five(ish) Minute Drum Lesson – African Drumming: Lesson 2: The Fanga

sounds, bass, [TAPS DRUM] tone, [TAPS DRUM] and slap. [TAPS DRUM] Now we're going to
put those three sounds together and create a rhythm. There's a rhythm from West
Africa called Funga, which is a very, very important
rhythm, because it was one of the
first rhythms that was brought here to
America by a lady by the name of Pearl Primus.

Here we go. I'm going to put it together. Bass, [TAPS DRUM] tone,
[TAPS DRUM] tone, [TAPS DRUM] OK. Bass, [TAPS DRUM] tone,
[TAPS DRUM] tone, [TAPS DRUM] tone. So three tones, one bass. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Then two basses. Bass, bass, tone, tone. OK. Let's see. I think I need
some help on this. So let me see if I can get my
friend Luke to come in here and play the rhythm with me. All right? Let's see how this works. All right. Luke, you got it? I got it. I'm going to get on the
box, and you play the drum. So you want to tilt
the drum a little bit forward, so the sound
comes out the bottom. Perfect. All right, good. So we're going to do
bass and three tones. We're going to go
bass in the middle. [TAPS DRUM] Tone to tone. [TAPS DRUM] Very good. One more time. Do the same thing again. Bass. [TAPS DRUM] Tone, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] OK, put those two together.

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Listen to me first. Bass, [TAPS DRUM]
tone, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Good. The second time, we're going
to change it a little bit. Two basses, bass,
bass, two tones. [TAPS DRUM] So go bass, bass. [TAPS DRUM] Tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Very good. At the top, we go– after me, bass,
tone, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Then two basses, bass,
bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Perfect. Here we go. Bass, tone, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Excellent. OK. Now, listen to me.

Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Excellent. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Nice. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] So make the last two
a little tighter, OK? OK. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Yes! Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] My turn. Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone, tone. [TAPS DRUM] Let's put it together, huh? Bass, tone, tone, tone. Bass, bass, tone,
tone– join me. [TAPS DRUM] Keep it going. Yeah! Nice! That's it. [PLAYING DRUMS] Bass, bass, tone, tone. Yeah! [PLAYING DRUMS] Five, six, seven, and stop. Perfect, man. Excellent. That was pretty good, man. Yeah, that was great. [LAUGHTER].

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