Five(ish) Minute Dance Lesson – Swing!: Lesson 1: East Coast Swing

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi. My name is Nina. And I'm Bobby. Today we're going to be
teaching you East Coast Swing. For me, I'm going to be the
role of the leader, which means it's my job
to kind of choose what moves are going to happen. And I get to move my follower
around on the dance floor. I'm going to be the role of the
follower, which means I follow what Bobby leads me to do.

But I get to put my own
creative spin on it. So we're going to start
our basic in closed position, so it looks like this. Bobby's going to put his
right hand on my back. I put my left hand on his
shoulder, just relax it there. And then we take our other hands
like this, nice and relaxed, very chill. Leaders, this is going to
start with a rock step. Rock step. Which is just kind of pushing
into the ground behind us. Yeah. For the leaders, it's
with the left foot. Followers, it's with the right. After that we're going
to do triple steps. So it's going to look like this. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. 1, 2, step-step-step,
step-step-step. 1, 2, step-step-step,
step-step-step. We're going to turn around
so you can follow us.

1, 2, step-step-step,
step-step-step. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. So what you'll
notice with this is that we really try to have
a swing rhythm in this. So instead of 1, 2,
triple step, triple step, it's 1, 2, tri-ple
step, tri-ple step. So there's a little bit
of a syncopation, which is what gave swing its feel. From here, we're going to do
something called a tuck turn. Looks like this. 1, 2, follow in
front, triple step. Now my feet haven't changed
at all, just the shape of what I'm doing. Yeah. For me, leaders, I think
of this little mantra– rock, step, tuck the
follower, turn her under. Yep. So one more time. 1, 2, bring her in,
turn her around. Yeah? Out here, this is
called open position. What we can do from here is
we can just do some basics, or we can do some
different turns. So this is what a
basic here looks like, triple step, triple step,
or 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6. Then we're going to do something
called an underarm turn.

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It looks like this. We're going to go past
the leader's left side. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. One more time from this angle. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6. For me, leaders, notice
I'm asking the follower to come straight at me. And I'm getting out of the way. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6. Yep. What you'll notice then is that
your hand ends up upside down. So we're going to do another
move to fix this hand. It's called an inside turn. So it's going to look like this. 1, 2. Triple step, triple step. So one more time. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. Now, leaders, this move is
actually just the reverse of the turn that we did before. So the first turn that
we did just a minute ago, I asked my follower– 1, 2, triple step, triple step. This new turn is just
putting that in reverse. 1, 2, triple step, triple step. So then to get back from
open position back to closed, we just kind of drift towards
each other doing a basic. 1, 2, triple, triple, 1, 2. And then we just keep
going from there. So here's everything we did. We start off with our basic.

1, 2, triple. A tuck turn. Triple, 1, 2, triple, triple. Basic in open. 1, 2, triple, triple. Left side turn. 1, 2, triple, triple. Reverse it. 1, 2, triple, triple. And just bring her back. 1, 2, triple, triple step. And that's the East Coast Swing. So now what we're going to
do is turn on some music, and we're going to do
that little pattern with our friends. [MUSIC PLAYING] First we're going to start
by just bouncing to the music a little bit to get it
in our bodies, yeah? Here we go. 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8. Rock step, triple, triple step. Rock step, triple. Tuck turn. Triple. Basic. Triple, triple. Left side. Triple, triple. Undo it. Triple, triple. So now you don't have to do
those moves in just that order. These guys are going
to just keep dancing. And you can just mix and
match the moves all you want. We're going to do that, too. 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8. [MUSIC PLAYING] .

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Five(ish) Minute Dance Lesson - Swing!: Lesson 1: East Coast Swing

Nina, Bobby, and their friends are going to coach you through the basics of swing dance. Learn how to get your bodies moving, and then how to incorporate some simple moves to make your dance look great. Remember that East Coast Swing is based on triple-step moves (a 6-count beat). And the "Rock Step" you'll learn will also be used in lessons two and three.

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