Rock Drum Beat Patterns : Reading Music: Rock Drum Beat Patterns 1 & 2

Just want to show you how easy it really is
to read these patterns. For instance, what I'm playing on the Hi Hat is above the Staff.
These are quarter notes, so the X above the Staff usually means some type of Cymbal, in
this case it's going to be Hi Hat sitting right on that line. So that's one, two, three,
four. Lowest thing on the Staff is the Bass Drum, it makes sense. It's the lowest thing
on the drum set, also your left foot too, but, the Bass Drum's the lowest thing on the
set. In the middle of the set is the Snare Drum, it's right in the middle of the Staff,
makes perfect sense.

So, really if you just read like you're reading a sentence, you just
line up Hi Hat, Base Drum, beat one. Next, Hi Hat, Snare Drum, next, Hi Hat, Bass Drum,
Hi Hat, Snare, and then you have Rock Pattern One. Piece of cake. Next one is with eighth
notes, exact same beat, one two, three, four. Quarter notes, Bass, Snare, Bass, Snare. You
have eighth notes on the Hi Hat, so now there's eight per measure of four four. That just
basically means four beats per measure. It's a little bit more complicated than that, but
that's all you really need to know at this point. So, eighth notes, one, and two, and
three, and four and. O.k.? One more time I'm going to demonstrate the two of those. I'm
going to play two of each and then we're going to move on. So, Rock Pattern 1 right into
Rock Pattern 2. So we have one, two, three, four, one.

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O.k.? And that's Rock Pattern One
and Two..

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Rock Drum Beat Patterns : Reading Music: Rock Drum Beat Patterns 1 & 2

When playing the drums, reading music can help musicians visualize the notes. Learn to read music for the rock drum beat patterns one and two from an experienced drumming instructor in this free music lesson video.

Expert: Colby Wahl
Bio: Colby Wahl has been playing the drums for 27 years. He graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a degree in music and he currently teaches at the Sea Sharp Music Academy.
Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

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