Drum Circles For Children

If you have ever been to a drum circle, you know that it is not just about the drums. It is also about the people who play them. Drummers are like artists in many ways, and they need to be able to express themselves through their music. This is why drum circles are such a wonderful way to meet other musicians, and it is also why drum circles are so great for children.

When you go to a drum circle, you will often find that the kids there are really into it. They may be playing along with you, or they may be dancing and clapping along with you. There are even times when the kids are getting involved in the drumming as well! The kids can learn a lot from the adults, but they also get to express themselves through their own drumming.

In a regular drum circle, the kids will often get to play percussion instruments, such as bells, rattles, shakers, and tambourines. In a drum circle for children, these instruments are usually not allowed. However, you can still teach your kids about rhythm by having them use a stick to tap on the ground or a table. They can also use a stick to tap on a drum or to hit a drum at the same time.

Another way that you can teach your kids about rhythm is to have them count beats while they play. You can do this by saying “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.” If you want to get more specific, you can say “one, two, three on the beat, four, five, six on the beat, seven, eight, nine on the beat, ten.” This way, your kids will learn to keep time and they will learn to count.

If you want to make your drum circle even more fun, you can get some of those plastic drumsticks that are shaped like animals. These will give your kids a chance to pretend that they are playing drums with animals instead of sticks.

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