How to Play the Djembe: 12/8 solo idea – African Drumming Online

The second 12/8 I think is a lot harder. It’s the same idea, but instead of being
tone tone slap, it’s tone slap slap. So instead of being 2 tones, 1 slap, now it’s
2 slaps 1 tone… I don’t know why that’s harder. Maybe it’s not harder for you, but I think
it might be… So, I’m doing, starting with my right hand
tone, tone slap slap tone slap slap. And this is a really common lick used in a
lot of Guinean solos and stuff… So, again, same as the previous one… practise getting it slow… and make sure
your hits are clean… and then, speed it up gradually… making sure your hits are
still clean… And making sure your tones especially are
kicking out.

You’re not just sort of going… You want the tones to really hit you in the
chest… And almost exaggerate the tones if you can. So that’s the next lick I want to show you. So another way, if you’re practising with
that previous video, doing the.. where I’m just playing the bell… that’s how you
can make it into a lick. But same as the previous one, start doing
two: tone slap slap tone slap slap. And then do four… And then, do a bunch… So, ideally, you’re still keeping the pulse
or the bell in your head so you know, you’re not just doing a random number, you’re feeling
the cycle.

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So you’re going 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3… For example… So you’re still hearing that cycle, so if
you’re soloing on top of a rhythm, or with a band or something, you’re not going out
of time, you’re not losing track of where you are, and you’re kind of always keeping
track of where you are… So that’s the next little lick I want you
try – 12/8 lick, really common lick. – Learn how to play djembe and other African
drumming with African Drumming Online.

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How to Play the Djembe: 12/8 solo idea – African Drumming Online – for more free African drumming videos, solo tips, and rhythms.

This video is one of a series of soloing tips. If you are an advanced djembe drummer, or even if you are just learning to play the djembe, mastering solo 'licks' like the one in this video will help your playing in the long run. This lick is very difficult to master, but if you can play tones and slaps, give it a try.

For soloing tips, technique exercises, and much more, visit African Drumming Online –

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