The Difference Between Drum Circles and Music Therapy

in this video i'm going to be talking about 
drum circles and music therapy and why they are   different although they may appear to be similar 
i'm kalani this is world drum club and this will   be a talk and by the end of this talk you'll 
understand the definition of what a drum circle is   you'll understand a little bit about what 
music therapists do and what music therapy is   and you're also going to understand why the two 
are not the same or one is not inside of the other   even though there is there are some similarities 
between them and i'm going to be citing some of   the research and books that have been written by 
people so you're not going to take my word for it   but i am a board certified music therapist i've 
also done tons of drum circles and taught drum   circle facilitation i'll show you that i've got 
a pile of books here we're going to go through   so that's what this video is about if you're not 
interested in any or either of those things you   can click away now save yourself some time this is 
going to be a little bit long talk but my goal is   to clear up some of the misunderstanding around 
the term drum circle i realize that some people   have been using it to define what some people do 
in music therapy i made a video a couple years   ago called nine reasons drum circles are not part 
of music therapy uh because they're not and i got   a lot of aggressive answers and replies um you 
can see that video on my kalani music channel   but i want to address it here on world drum club 
because this is a bigger channel and i also want   to be really clear that i enjoy both and i'm a 
fan of both drum circles and music therapy so if you want to beat me up in the comments you 
can do that for my for my views but i i want to   say this and this is not an egotistical 
comment i know what i'm talking about   because i've been around a long time and i've 
been around before the drum circle movement   i've been around to watch music therapy and and 
became a music therapist and i know a lot of the   history of that i'm going to share some of that 
with you books by other music therapists and also   drum circle facilitators and just clear up some of 
the misunderstanding because i there's no reason   that we need to have confusion uh both things are 
valuable you know drum circles are valuable i'm a   fan music therapy is valuable there's no reason 
to conflate them though and get and get confused   about it so let's get started with that i want to 
go back to uh 1987 and this book which is called   improvisational models of music therapy written 
by kenneth ruther russia this is a book that we   all had to get in in our music therapy study and 
this book contains a lot of techniques called   music therapy clinical improvisation techniques 
this whole book is about improvisational models   of music therapy it was written in 87 1987 
and kenneth brucia does a great job outlining   major approaches uh to improvisation based 
music therapy he also lists over i think it's 60   over 60 clinical skills or techniques that are 
things that a music therapist does in the moment   with his or her clients to create music 
improvisational music improvised music but   also with a view to serving their clinical goals 
and objectives you know techniques that they use   these are musical techniques and i have a book 
i'll talk about in a few minutes that also recaps   a lot of those and and organizes them and talks 
about them but this book is amazing it it's a   it's a bit dense as you can see but this was in 
1987 all right so that's important to understand   so let's we're going to move on in the timeline 
uh but first i want to talk about the origins   of uh drum circle what is the word drum circle 
where did that come from why do we call it that   well the word drum circle uh is is used 
to define kind of an american phenomenon   of people spontaneously or you know casually 
gathering to play music together usually on   drums and percussion although other instruments 
are used and some people just dance or sing or do   whatever they want at the drum circle the idea 
is that it's an open kind of community based   improvisation based you know music created 
in the moment for celebration and joy and in   a minute i'm going to read you a definition 
from arthur hull who is the self-proclaimed   father of the modern drum circle movement so i 
agree with that definition um nothing wrong with   that you know this phenomenon it would occur 
at beach like drum circles would happen at   beaches around campfires at rainbow gatherings 
you know grateful dead concert parking lots   it's great it's a way for people to get together 
and connect and show their unity and share their   spirit uh and you know it's just a phenomenon 
so people started calling those drum circles   those things specifically so the 
what's happening down at the beach   you know happening over here but it's not that 
people were gathering in a circle with drums   that makes a drum circle it's beyond that it's 
not the just the form of it right if that were   the case i could just have a line of drums and 
then i could say i have a drum line but we all   know that a drum line is a certain thing right 
it's play certain music for a certain function um   competitive drum line you know it's not just i 
line up a bunch of drums and now i'm a drum line   leader you know so drum circle is the same kind 
of thing it's uh it's a certain type of community   music making experience or event all right so let 
me go to look we're going to go forward in time   this is arthur hall's book called drum circle 
spirit he gave me this he even autographed it   there you go and this book is 1998.

So 12 years 
after the breusha book and and um there's a lot   of stories in here there's some there's some 
anecdotal stories and things but arthur came   out with this um his first training was in 
94 and that's when the drum circle you know   officially like drum circle facilitator thing and 
the modern drum circle movement kind of started so   mid-1990s all right and uh and then arthur's 
gone on to write some other books um   after this so i'm gonna move forward in time 
after that 2004 i came out with this book which is   called together in rhythm uh a guy a facilitator's 
guide to drum circle music now called   developmental community music i came out with 
this book in which i bring together a lot   of teachings from a lot of different teachers 
including arthur and other other facilitators   and then i've expanded on this work for a number 
of years and just kind of expanded it into all   all kinds of music uh a lot of it's based on my 
orf shiver training uh and so you can look into   this and the other books that i mentioned i'm 
just giving you all these books a look at these   books so you can do your own research if you 
want to look into them a little bit later but   here's where i wanted to get to with music 
therapy this is a book called music therapy   improvisation for groups by susan gardstrom 
this book came out in i believe it was 2007   yes 2007.

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And i want to read you a little passage 
from this and i'm going to shift to the overhead   view and right here let me put my little 
spectacles on all right right here on page 21   it's called improvisation versus a drum circle so 
clinical improvisation versus the drum circle and   she says it's it is critical that you understand 
the distinction between clinical improvisation   and a drum circle the two experiences 
are often mistaken for one another   even though they are more different than like 
and then down here she quotes arthur hull   and it says a drum circle is the use of 
a rhythm-based event as a tool for unity   collab collaborativity collaboratively sorry 
self-organized and musical event created   in the moment by all the people who participate 
and a means of expressing timeless joy passion   and release through the power of rhythm she 
then goes on to say that there are similarities   and differences and on the on the following 
pages she even has a table that shows all the   differences between impro clinical improvisation 
music therapy and a drum circle all of these   categories here and all the differences so you 
don't have to take my word for it is my point   this is written by a music therapist teacher and 
she's saying that these things are very different   so uh which i agree with they are and that is i 
want to be clear you guys i support both everybody   this is not about valuing one over the other 
it's just saying that these things are different   that's all so i wanna i just wanna reiterate that 
because for some reason what i published the video   about you know different reasons that drum circles 
are not part of music therapy um some people got   their panties in a bunch about that they thought 
i was hating on drum circles or something i'm   not absolutely not so you can attack me if you 
want for bringing you facts and information and   sharing my professional opinion which this is and 
if you know you can also click away you don't have   to listen to me but i've i've done drum circle 
stuff for 30 years i've done lots of training   i'm a fan you know i'm totally supportive of 
that i'm also a board-certified music therapist   of about 12 years and learned from a lot of the 
people in the music therapy community so i can   speak to both as a veteran you know i've got a lot 
of experience in fact in 2011 i wrote this book   called the way of music creating sound connections 
in music therapy and in here i also go over   some of the same things i'm i'm saying in this 
this book is also about clinical improvisation   techniques and how we can use music and create 
musical experiences for people you know that are   improvisation based even ones that use drums 
and they can still be purely music therapy we   don't need to call them anything else right group 
drumming in music therapy you don't have to call   it a drum circle in fact if you call something 
just because something is group drumming if you   if you go ahead and call that a drum circle just 
because you see people in a circle with drums or   a semicircle with drums or if you do that not only 
is that kind of a misnomer but it's also i believe   a form of cultural appropriation because you're 
just taking something out of context that has a   context has a historical context that is evidenced 
by history and people's writings like arthur's   and then you're just repurposing it for your 
own you know your own goals or within your own   narrow understanding and that's wrong and i don't 
believe that's i don't believe we should be doing   that i think we should use terms uh appropriately 
um not misappropriate them we should use them with   understanding and intelligence and respect so 
i don't want to do that i try not to do that   with other things and i hope you don't do that 
either now why is what we do in music therapy   different because all the relationships are 
different and susan guardstrom in her book   points that out she says look the roles the 
role of the facilitator in a drum circle is   very different if even if there is a facilitator 
let's assume there is sometimes there's not but   the role of the facilitator in drum circle is just 
to help people have fun and make music and connect   that's that's very different than the role of a 
music therapist in a group drumming experience   totally different huge responsibility you're the 
person's therapist in music therapy the clients   are there with specific needs goals objectives 
that the music therapist is helping them meet   that's not the job of a drum circle facilitator 
totally different um the kinds of techniques that   we use again in music therapy even if it's with 
drumming the techniques are older than the whole   drum circle movement they're from 1987 and before 
because the book was published in 87 which means   the techniques existed for several years before 
that obviously so it you know it's not like music   therapists are borrowing or stealing from music 
from a drum circle facilitation that's i just the   timeline doesn't show that the techniques don't 
show that none of the music therapy literature   mentions anything about using drum circles in 
music therapy except that they're different   that's the only thing it says in there so you guys 
this is not my opinion only i have no agenda you   know this is not anti-drum circle it's just 
i'm just saying that it's it's somewhat of a   mistake to say that drum circles are part of music 
therapy or that music therapists do drum circles   as music therapy now could a music therapist 
also facilitate a drum circle absolutely   why not i do on occasion i do fewer these days 
than uh than i had in the past but that's just   because i'm getting old and i don't want to schlep 
a bunch of drums around i've done my part you know   i'd rather see younger people doing it who who 
want to do that and i think it's great to do that   it's awesome but when i do music therapy i use 
music therapy techniques clinical improvisation   techniques and that whole book is full of them 
if you're interested in learning about that   any of you could get a copy of together and i'm 
sorry together in rhythm or the way of music   and i do recommend the way of 
music for any music facilitator   even if you're a music educator i teach some 
of those techniques in music to music educators   uh music facilitators of any kind they're valuable 
techniques they're really really amazing to create   empathy to create connection to validate what 
people are doing to be supportive of people   to shape those relationships through music over 
time it's it's really fascinating you guys um   and i use some of the music therapy teachings 
actually when i do drum circles now if i if i   do a drum circle i can borrow from music therapy 
so if anything i think music therapy has informed   the drum circle stuff more than the other way 
around uh in any event um i hope that clears up   some of the understandings or misunderstandings 
about what drum circles are again i want to   reiterate that a drum circle is not just group 
drumming of any kind you know if you're if you   want to talk about group drumming whether people 
are in a circle or not just just call it group   drumming because it could be a lesson it could 
be a performance it could be some sort of other   type of experience that people are doing like 
rhythm games or something it could be stories   with with percussion sounds we just don't know if 
if we see a group of people in a circle with drums   um that's not a drum circle it's a drum circle 
if you know it it if it's like what arthur holt   described or susan garson described in her book um 
if it's kind of open improv you know no no agenda   anybody's free to participate do whatever they 
want that's then it would be a drum circle but the   drum circle is is a type of group drumming the big 
umbrella term is group drumming or music actually   music group drumming and then i mean i identify 
at least seven different types of group drumming   including and drum circles is one of those we 
also have rhythm games we have guided interactive   drumming we have drum ensembles we have you 
know all sorts of drum play and different   different types of group drumming experiences okay 
music therapy is an allied healthcare profession   it's i mean it's it happens in the same places 
that physical therapy happens uh cognitive   therapy occupational therapy speech therapy when 
i work as a music therapist i'm visiting the same   type of clientele that other allied health 
care professions also treat right so   very different environment than your classic or 
your even normal what would happen with a drum   circle which would be more like an after school 
thing or at a camp or you know recreation or even   in corporate training if you do corporate 
drum circles it's still a drum circle so   the fact that there's a facilitator um doesn't 
change the outcome or the it shouldn't change   the essence of what a drum circle is and it's 
different than the essence of what music therapy   is so i hope that makes sense if it doesn't if you 
have any questions or even if you'd like to debate   any of this i welcome i do i welcome bring some 
evidence bring some facts bring some reference   points to information that contradicts what i'm 
saying please if you can do that do it uh i'm   open to it i'm absolutely open to it if you're 
just gonna personally attack me you can do that   you can do that in the comments everybody can see 
that that's up to you if you'd like to communicate   with me behind the scenes if you don't want to 
debate me out in the open that's okay too you   can send me a you know dm me or send me an email 
i'm happy to answer questions i answer lots of   questions from different people all the time i 
realize there's some confusion out there because   some music therapists actually do promote 
this idea of drum circles in music therapy   i don't know why that is it might be because of a 
misunderstanding it might be because they have an   agenda like they're trying to sell something 
or promote some specific products or services   you can decide that for yourself 
if you decide to investigate but   i think it all starts with you know getting the 
big picture maybe talking to more than a couple   people uh like i said you don't have to take 
my word for it you can do your own research but   my goal is to clear up misunderstandings 
and and be supportive of everything   but also you know be real and be truthful about 
things and just try to you know set the record   straight so that's all i'm trying to do again 
if you're a drum circle facilitator bless you   and i hope you do a great job hope you enjoy 
it and i hope you're i'm sure your participants   uh enjoy you and what you're doing for them and 
if you're a music therapist i hope this clears   up for you you know what your profession is about 
and where you go for information and how you're   gonna operate and how you can talk about what 
you do and if you're a lay person watching this   congratulations that you made it this far uh but 
maybe you can also use the terms drum circle more   effectively and accurately and responsibly and 
also the term music therapy because that's a   whole different conversation is a lot of people 
think music therapy is just like music that makes   you feel good or something but that's a different 
lecture for a different time um i'm going to wrap   this up now but again i want to invite you 
to send me your questions leave your kind   and helpful comments below if you like connect 
with me at kalani or   and have a great day you guys alright uh if 
you want to get notifications of new videos   hit the bell subscribe to the channel make 
some great music and share it with other   people as much as you can i'm connie this is 
world drum club i'll see you in another video

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The Difference Between Drum Circles and Music Therapy

Kalani talks about the difference between drum circles and music therapy. References and Chapters Below.
0:00 Introduction
1:10 Why I made this video
2:34 Kenneth Bruscia's Music Therapy Improvisation Book
4:05 What is a Drum Circle?
5:55 Arthur Hull's Drum Circle Book
6:40 Kalani's Drumming Facilitation Book
7:20 Susan Gardstrom's Music Therapy Book
9:14 Why I believe what I believe
10:17 Kalani's The Way of Music Book
10:57 Using terms Responsibly
11:50 Why is Music Therapy different?
13:30 What are some options?
15:04 More about Group Drumming types
16:20 More about Music Therapy
17:15 Recap and Invitation for More Information

Improvisational Models of Music Therapy - Kenneth Bruscia

Drum Circle Spirit - Arthur Hull

Together in Rhythm - Kalani Das

Music Therapy Improvisation for Groups - Susan Gardstrom

The Way of Music - Kalani Das, MT-BC

World Drum Club is supported by musicians who appreciate quality content. Patrons have access to more content, resources, video chats, and more. Join World Drum Club at

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Kalani’s website:
Mindfulness Teachings:

Kalani is a Professional Percussionist, Orff-Schulwerk Certified Music Educator and Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC). He presents classes and workshops all over the world for people of all ages.

Books by Kalani:
All About Congas:
All About Bongos: a
All About Jembe:
All About Hand Percussion:
West African Drum & Dance:
Together in Rhythm:
The Amazing Jamnasium:
Recorders in Rhythm:
Kalani’s World Rhythms:
The Way of Music - Creating Sound Connections in Music Therapy:

Video lessons and FULL Courses available to Patrons of this channel.
Drum Fun - Musical Games for Groups, 2 DVD set
The Drum Circle - A Musical Approach, 2 DVD set
Play Cajon, DVD
Play Congas, DVD

Order Zenko, Spacedrum, Tinka Tong, and Sansulas through our link to WePlayWellTogether

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Keywords: drumming, percussion, rhythms, world drumming, classroom, education, lesson, curriculum, teaching, music, timing, patterns, techniques, sound, sounds, musical, musicality, congas, bongos, djembe, cajon, dundun, surdo, cowbell, claves, maracas, woodblock, chimes, cymbal, bell, triangle, maracas, shaker, caxixi, rattle, scraper, guiro, front, shakere, agogo, gankogui, drum circle facilitation, community drumming facilitation

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