Snare Drum Double Beat Variations : Isolated Double Drum Beats: Stroke 1, Left Hand

Here is double left stroke one. So now we're
going to be putting the double on the alternate hand, the left hand. The second stroke in
total, but the first stroke we'll be doing the left hand because we're playing eight
strokes alternating. And I'll demonstrate eight strokes alternating right left, right
left, right left, right left. Ok. So the first left we add a double, hitting the drum twice.
Once again. Alright once we're comfortable with this,
go ahead and loop it..

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Snare Drum Double Beat Variations : Isolated Double Drum Beats: Stroke 1, Left Hand

Playing an isolated double-drum beat on stroke one in an eight-count measure with the left hand creates a quick sense of 16th notes. Play this isolated double-beat variation on a snare drum with tips and advice from an experienced drummer in this free video on drum lessons.

Expert: Peter Van Dyck
Bio: Peter Van Dyck is a professional drummer and drum teacher. He received his training from Berklee College of Music, where he graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Music.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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