9 Absolute Beginner Drum Beats – Drumistry

This video is suitable for you… If you are just starting out on the drum set or you are struggling with reading basic drum sheet notation You will learn 9 drum beats
suitable for absolute beginners Each drum beat will be repeated for a minute long For every beat, you will be presented with 5 different ways that it could be written These notations are written with 1 voice Stems pointing up Stems pointing down These notations are written with 2 voices Notes played with the hands are grouped in voice 1 while notes played with the feet in voice 2 All cymbals are grouped in voice 1
and drums in voice 2 Over here we have a drum tablature. H refers to the hi-hat
played with the right hand, S refers to the snare drum that is
played with the left hand and B refers to the bass drum also known as kick,
played with the right foot.

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9 Absolute Beginner Drum Beats - Drumistry

Start drumming right now! No drum set needed. Learn how to read music as you play. Be prepared before your first drum lesson.

Get seated comfortably with both feet on the floor.
Place both hands on your left thigh,
- right hand closer to your knee
- left hand closer to your inner thigh.

Tap along with all the 9 exercises as indicated with the hand-foot diagram.

For your hands, simply rotate your wrists to tap.
For your foot, simply rotate your ankle to tap the floor.
Or you may lift your foot off the ground and tap the floor.

Tension in your muscles is unhealthy.
Stay relaxed and do not exert any unnecessary force on yourself.
This means your taps should be pretty soft in volume.

For this to be effective for a total beginner, you should:
1. Follow through all the exercises, don't SKIP
2. Make a conscious effort to play them correctly all the time
3. Go through this video EVERYDAY

To see quicker progress, do it as many times as you can in a day.

We will be releasing more such videos in future, which will require you to play these exact beats with music, and at a faster speed. So keep PRACTICING!

Once you're extremely comfortable with all these exercises, you may change the playback speed of this video to 1.25x, 1.5x or 2x to play along at a faster speed.

Visit our website if you require more materials to help you improve:

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