How to Play the Djembe Drum : How to Change the Tone of the Djembe Drum: Part 2

Hello! My name is Aaron Moon and I’m here
on behalf of and today I’m going to be explaining a few ways to manipulate
some of the sound you can get out of the hand drum the Djembe. First I’d like to explain
how to change the pitch of the sound you’re getting from the Djembe just by applying pressure
to the middle of the drumhead. Now you can do this in a variety of ways I’ll start
with just one finger on the center of the drum, now as I hit the drum plainly it produced
a constant sound as I put my fingertip in the center of the drum and don’t apply any
pressure it just makes that pitch a little muffled and maybe a little bit higher but
as I apply pressure and release that pressure the pitch goes up
and then it comes back down as the pressure lessens.

Now you can do this with a knuckle
as well which produces the same varied pitch if you want to apply more pressure an alternative
would be to use your elbow and I’m wearing a sweater so that’s going to give a different
pitch than if I had bare skin or a short sleeve shirt. And as I come out it returns to normal,
you can apply the pressure and get a constant pitch or you can use it as an effect, you
it can have…and that’s just applying pressure heavily and releasing multiple times. So that’s
one way to manipulate the sound you’re getting from the Djembe..

learn djembe here – click

How to Play the Djembe Drum : How to Change the Tone of the Djembe Drum: Part 2

Learn more about how to change the tone of the djembe while playing from a music expert in this free musical instrument video series.

Expert: Aaron Moons
Bio: I received a BA in Communications/Media studies, played in the jazz ensemble and combo. Since living in Chicago I have played drums for several successful bands.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

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