Double Bass Drumming – WITHOUT TRIGGERS – Kerim ‘Krimh’ Lechner

hello drum technique academy i'm krimh i'm back 
with another lesson and i think this lesson is a   really important lesson with a great 
topic because not many talking about it   and i feel like that somehow this approach of 
double bass drumming gets lost a little bit   in the era of triggers so today's topic is about 
powerful double bass drumming without triggers   so let me be clear this video is not here to bash 
drummers that use triggers because i myself use   triggers it's not the case this is not 
a lesson that will um where i will hate   on triggers absolutely not you know i use 
triggers myself live and i think they're great   but there's definitely also a different 
approach on how to play double bass and   it's more of an old-school way and i'm sure there 
are a couple of students here on this academy   which are interested or who are interested 
in learning this approach so before we go   in detail let me give you a little overview 
how this lesson is going to look like i want   to cover a couple of different topics i want to 
talk first about why is this interesting to learn   this approach of double bass drumming what 
are the pros what are the cons i want to   talk about my pedal settings and especially or 
in general about pedal settings how they can   affect you know your powerful drumming you know 
how to get a louder hit out of your pedal then i   want to also maybe talk about the height of your 
seat you know your drum thrown also where you   should position your foot on the foot board and 
of course i want to go through three different   tempos so we're gonna have a low tempo that it's 
around 100 to 140 beats per minute then we go   into the mid tempo area which is around 150 to 170 
and then we go to the faster one which is 180 to   200 210 why not more well at this point i think 
then it's useless to just focus on the microphone   because we are physically limited you know we 
will have to use triggers afterwards to make the   sound you know amplify more but i think if you're 
the kind of drummer who is really interested in   playing up to this certain tempos you can 
definitely make it happen without triggers and you   can work on your power all right cool so these are 
the topics ah i forgot one i also wanna then um   go through maybe some exercises to show you how 
you can learn you know to increase your volume   while playing double bass okay so 
let's get started why should you   learn to play loud double bass if you have 
triggers good question i think we are   a bit spoiled can i say it like this with triggers 
because the trigger takes away one thing you   know and that's the the velocity yes of course 
some people will say to you or will say to me   yeah but i have velocity like a dynamic velocity 
of my trigger model but i don't know many drummers   who are actually doing that i think the majority 
is using triggers because of this volume issue   you want to amplify your sound so you're 
gonna make velocity that is always very loud   what a trigger doesn't take away is the accuracy 
it will amplify it right so if someone is not   able to play proper double bass a trigger will not 
help it will make it worse but let me come back to   this topic about the velocity thing so the trigger 
takes away this part or it feels unnatural right   and um i just for my for my playing i just feel 
like playing loud and powerful at the same time   is also a part of extreme drumming it's also 
part of um this community i'm not here to teach   you 250 beats per minute that's not what 
i'm gonna do as i said we're gonna focus   on just really powerful drumming 
underneath 200 and a bit above   and um what are the benefits i feel like that it 
gives you a certain identity as a drummer which   in my opinion is very important nowadays it's not 
only about pulling off certain tempos it's about   that you play a beat and then people will know 
okay this is Krimh or this is i don't know this   is mario from gojira or this is i don't know joey 
jordison and this is george kollias doesn't matter   so um i think it's really good to be also 
able to play very loud double bass and i   bought myself a digital mixer just a couple of 
weeks ago and right now i'm only listening to the   microphone i have not turned on my trigger 
model just for the sake of learning again   the velocity thing and it really opened up you 
know my mind to new possibilities and it showed me   where i can work on or like what i can make 
better and i must say that it really helped also   strengthen my weaker leg my left leg because 
the trigger you know everything sounds very nice   and you tend to maybe lack a little bit with the 
power of your weaker lag it's obvious everyone has   that but when you play with a microphone you will 
definitely hear the difference to these so i will   play the double bass at 100 beats per minute full 
leg motion i will also throw in some quieter parts   and then i will increase the volume not increase 
the speed just the volume and you will hear and   see the difference so pay attention to the beater 
traveling back pay attention please to where i   position my foot on the foot board please 
pay attention to how what my knee is doing   and also pay attention to the hip so let's 
go check that out here is a little example   at slow double bass 100 beats per 
minute and 140 beats per minute so i hope you paid attention as i asked you to 
do so and you could see where my foot is placed   on the footboard and this is i think also an 
important thing for you if you want to get the   maximum velocity out of your plane is where do you 
put your foot on the foot board depending on what   pedal you use how you set up your pedal also what 
spring tension all these things determine where   to find a good position okay guys so let's move on 
to the next uh tempo area so we are talking about   mid tempos mid-tempos are…

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Double Bass Drumming - WITHOUT TRIGGERS - Kerim 'Krimh' Lechner

In this week's lesson at the Drum-Technique Academy Kerim 'Krimh' Lechner talks about double bass drumming.

He discusses his approach on how to play loud at slow- mid- and up-tempos. This way you don't have to rely on bass drum triggers.

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