One Arrow through THREE Dimensions!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 9 #7

[ZEDAPH INTRO MUSIC] Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to another episode here on the Hermitcraft server with me, Zedaph and with my lovely Zedvancementy trophies which today we will be receiving, hopefully, another one of as we will be putting the "die" into inter-die-mensional. But first some things around the base. The egg hunt is now over and the results are in, look at this! I came joint third with Stress, Cub,
Impulse, Beef and Cleo. [chuckles] Yeah, so with three people didn't
managed to find their eggs because I managed to find all of mine and they were Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. [weirdly high pitched] Here. Here. Here. Here. And here. And that is how you ruin a word. It just sounds like an exhale – Hea – Heh. [chuckles] A bit like a villager as well actually. I don't know, anyway thank you so much Jevin for
sorting out the Easter Egg Hunt. Thoroughly enjoyed both of hiding and finding all the eggs though I must say after doing 18 eggs hiding
in various people's bases, I felt like I was an expert
at then finding them again because I knew all the little secrets of where to hide them.

So I just looked there in my base. And it wasn't too bad, I think it took me just under an hour to find them all. But you might notice we are stood upon our mineral beacon right now of emerald which is now completed. And also since last episode the iron has been completed and the coal there has been completed too. So we've just gone from three to six beacons done. But it wasn't all me, I actually had some help. Look at this! This pyramid sponsored by iEmMortal.

This just popped up! I thought "hang on a minute, I didn't do that!" "I was about half way done!"
and then all of the sudden I was like "did I do it in my sleep or something?" No! Impulse, our friend, came over and apparently decided to just give us one and sponsor himself. [chuckles] So that's totally fine, it's all good. We would've got the emeralds anyway. My villager trading hall thingy down there has been pumping 'em out, good and proper. I've not even been really trying very hard So that's totally fine! We should've picked a different beacon though Impulse to help with. [chuckles] No it's fine! We're getting good work here and I hear Cub as well might be interested in giving me some quests to finish off the old diamond beacon. Gold has seen some improvements as well. They are getting there, folks.

They are getting there indeed. But there has been one suggestion
that people have suggested we do to these. And I listen. We hop, a-skip, a-jump and place! Like that, there you g-
That's pink! That's not red. What's going on?! [chuckles] Do I- Do I have to add multiple? Oooh! I do! I did not know that's how that worked.

Okay, alright so let's just
add like a whole bunch, shall we? Does that get so red? Oo! That gets super red, okay. So let's look at it from a distance. Yeah, that looks pretty cool. Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow! Yel-low! Blue, blue, blue, blue. Ooo! I went with a nice light grey
for iron because you know the beam is already white So [chuckles] don't change it. Ah! Euh! That looks… I don't like that. That looks gross. That looks like a wet beam. You know how like dogs when they get wet they go that colour? Yeah, euh! Of course a lovely nice limey colour O! Oh no! Oh dear.

Coal will be black. Very nice. Our piddly little diamond one, a nice light blue. And now the copper one is gonna be interesting as we're going for the most sort of blue-y copper… Blue-y greeny copper on the bottom and then each layer we go up we're go back up to the normal
kind of orangy copper here. So I've done the best I could and found – where are they? – We're going this first, then cyan, then brown and then orange for the different colours of copper. We'll just have to like work it out when we get the right layers in but let's just chuck them in for now. Okay I've placed my last ones in. I've not checked this out yet. I think it's gonna look disgusting. You know what?
Actually, that doesn't look that bad. It's kind of interesting when the beam really changes colour and like mixes up as it goes along, I don't know. I don't know. I am a bit confused though how like this one is a gradient from like white to blue.

Whereas – where is it? – like this one which is instantly green. and this one was instantly cyan-y blue. What's happening? Why are you gradient? But now, let's talk about today's Zedvancement. Portals, they are super wibbly wobbly and I wanted to do something, something, anything Zedvancementy with them and I came up with what I think might be an incredibly fun challenge to attempt and something that hopefully has never been achieved before by anybody and it is of course InterDIEmensional. This is the trophy we are hoping to fully achieve and gold up if we can pull this off today. Pull what off exactly? Well here is the game plan. In Minecraft we have three dimensions. The overworld, the nether and the end. I can travel between all three of them. Look at me go! But I would also like to be able to arrow myself through all three portals. We'd start in the nether and fire an arrow. The arrow would go through into the overworld, through an end portal into the end, and we would follow it and hopefully it'd hit us right in the face.

Simple, right? A 3D kill. So I think clearly, the first thing to do is recklessly just fire an arrow
straight through the portal without a care in the world. Okay [chuckles] I don't know
what's on the other side of it but hopefully we can follow
that arrow all the way through and it will have landed somewhere… Somewhere. Did it not land somewhere? Oh, it's gone this way! Okay, it's gone backwards. Interesting, there is my arrow fired very nicely.

I moved these guys out of the way. [chuckles] We don't wanna ruin our Mob-Stack-All. But I would like to get something, any kind of magma cubey thing
or something that can be shot at so that we can test that things actually die on the other side of it
when the arrow hits them. Willing participants found! And I must say, this has got a real creepy, creepy vibe to it, has it not? Look at this one! That is super creepy, I don't know.

I'm a bit freaked out which is perfect because we need to
absolutely mow these down, I hope. Fingers crossed. Okay, we gotta fire this way and we go – Hajah! – Hajah! Hajah! All the directions! Why are some of them going straight
like through through the portal? Hajah! Hajah! And we try and angle some over there as well get the ones hiding around the corners. We get the ones hiding down there! Down below! Up high! Over the corner! Around there! Fire one this way! Over here as well! Up! Down! Left! Right aand… I think that might've done some damage, I hope.

This one went like literally through. [chuckles] Okay, it's a bit odd. Right, so we're facing this way
but all the damage is back here. Oh my word! Oh, it's horrendous. Oh look, that one's all on fire
and it's lifting its leg! [laughs] Ohh pick them all up. Okay, so that clearly works very, very nicely. [chuckles] I just imagined someone
coming to visit me and just suddenly being like "wait, what's all these-" "what's all these armourstands doing here?" and they're just seeing like this absolute tirade of fire arrows [chuckles] flying through the portal just taking them all out. Boop! Okay, very nice.
Let me get the rest of this cleaned up and we'll move on to the next stage! Which is gonna be
replacing the arrows, if possible, with some anvils.

Basically big, chunky, fat arrows if you think about it. Now I seem to remember that falling block entities don't go through portals which is a real shame. But I've got a little punchy block here set up. We're gonna try and drop the anvil and push this so that it pings through the portal. Worst case and what I think is gonna happen is it's just gonna end up on
the other side over here but we'll give it a try if my dexterity is enough.

Three. Two. One. Boom. Boom! I completely missed. [chuckles] Boom. Boom. Oh! Okay, hold on. So it did definitely get pushed and yeah, it didn't go through the portal. Sad news! Let me try it again. Boom! Oh look that went further that time and it's ruining my anvil. No, unfortunately these do not travel through nether portals which is a real shame! But hold on one second there is more to life than nether portals. We have – Wooahhoah! – the end portal as well. So I guess we should just
throw everything through. Drop you down. [chuckles] No idea where that's gone. Let's fire a couple of arrows as well. One over there and one over there.

Hop on in ourselves. Oo! Eh. Okay [laughs] Ooo! Ah, that's a bit terrifying. I heard anvil clonk and I thought maybe I had been kasplatted. I wonder what would happen
if I was already stood here. Would I have got kasplatted? And for a second here, can we just appreciate for the fact that
they do go through end portals but not nether portals for some reason. That is so weird, I don't know why. Picky. Picky portals. But the plan here… I actually have no idea. I think what I wanna do Oh I've not got any pick or anything
[chuckles] to break any blocks I was gonna say we wanna like put this up higher and sort of fall in. But maybe I can kind of like
right click as I go forward? No idea what's gonna happen. Oo, I heard the placing noise! Oh…

I'm holding it still. Again! We try again and this time I'm gonna perch
myself right on the very edge and we're gonna place it officially first and make sure we see it before we hop in. So, here we go aandd place down, okay. Here goes. Oh! It's nowhere to be found. It's nowhere to be found! [chuckles] Well hold on if I get my camera account on and I fly over to the stronghold, I wonder if the chunks load [chuckles] all suddenly just get splatted. Okay, I logged in to my camera account. I have no idea where the end portal place is to like fly to.

But I'm hoping if I just fly around all of the sudden the chunk will load, maybe? [gasps] [laughs] Ooo! I survived! Barely! Okay. Ow! [laughs] Alright, I think we better go back to arrows so that we can go through all three. So the next challenge that
we have to overcome somehow is the fact that these arrows immediately go through the portal. Whereas I take – Two.

Three. Four! – a good like four or five seconds to wibble wobble my way through which is no good. So on the other side we're
gonna have to keep the arrow in some kind of suspended animation but that has led me to this thing.
Are you ready? [chuckles] I'm not sure if I'm ready. Ah. Oh it went straight through!
A bit more gentle. GAH! Oh! [chuckles] Nice and gentle. Bajadada! [chuckles] Utter destruction. And this is what is powering it on the other side, the vengeful portal. We've got eight dispenser with the arrows in, target block in the middle. So as soon as you shoot that target block
but from the other side, it just spits out eight arrows back through the portal again.

Can I even- Maybe I can show it off, hang on if I stand here. There you go – hada – Ah! There we go, okay. So I didn't actually get hit but [chuckles] back through the portal there should be a collection of arrows all
jabbed in the floor somewhere. Yeah, there we go! Look at that.
It's perfect. Hello! What is this? OctoDrop Token? Thank you very much, that's moneys. OctoDrop, xBCrafted. You are hereby challenged to master OctoDrop located in the mini submarine
at the giant octopus.

Your three slow fall potions and payment
for your first attempt are included! Look at this! You're gonna fall through as- Okay, we will be going to do this shortly. But we got some more arrow fun to do first. Now I thought I would give the
other Hermits a quick little test to see whether they knew that projectiles could come flying out of the portal into their face. I'm gonna give them a fair chance. I'm gonna let them know that there is a trap here and I put some red herrings around the place here.
Look at this. Empty dispenser [chuckles] They won't know what's hit them! Literally because look, there's nothing through the portal at all and yet arrows will come flying out.

Let's do this. [JAZZY MUSIC] Running Errands – TrackTribe
[ZED] I've trapped
[JAZZY MUSIC] Running Errands – TrackTribe
this little mini tunnel here to my portal
with a potentially deadly trap. [PEARL] Okay. [BEEF] Uhm. Oh I mean [laughs] [ZED] I just want you to tell me
if you can find it or not. [PEARL] I mean, there's a few
different possible ones here.
You've got A. an observer, B. a pressure plate, C. floating blocks, D.

A button. Errr… [BEEF] Would it possibly be the pressure plate? [ZED] I mean, if you want to stand on it and try. [ghast fires] [BEEF] WOAH! [ZED] That's not the trap! [chuckles] [BEEF] No! Don't do it! I don't- Oh no. Oh no. This is fine. This is fine. This is fine. [ZED laughs]
[BEEF] Come on, get outta here!
[BEEF] I am busy! EUH! Oh my gosh, was that the trap? [ZED] I wish it was.
[both laugh] [BEEF] That would've been pretty cool, right? [PEARL] There is a tripwire hook which doesn't go to anything although I assume that would activate the observer. [ZED] Do you wanna try pressing something? [PEARL] Is it gonna kill me? [ZED] I mean, I don't know.
You'll have to find out.

[PEARL] What do you mean?!
I don't wanna find out if I'm gonna die!
[PEARL] Also this is a trap.
[both laugh]
[PEARL] I'm just gonna like
hop-skip over it, you know?
That seems like a good idea. [BEEF] Should I step on the pressure plate? [ZED] If you would like to. [BEEF] Gulp. Hueh! That didn't do it either,
there's a button here though.
[BEEF] Now that button didn't do it.
[ZED laughs]
[BEEF] What the heck is going on?
[ZED] You're very brave Beef!
[ZED] You're pressing things, you're doing stuff. [ZED] I'll show you Pearl,
I'll show you the magic. Okay, if you stand on the second light block on the floor, away from the portal. [PEARL] Heuh! [PEARL] I don't trust that tripwire.
[both laugh]
[PEARL] Do not trust it!
[ZED] Okay.
[ZED] You have to look very deeply
into the portal, okay? Just look at the swirls, look at the patterns.

[ZED] You noticing anything?
[PEARL] Okay…
[PEARL] I'm looking real deep. I feel like I'm staring into my soul a little bit. Like these swirlies are hypnotizing
me or something, you know?
[PEARL] AH! No noo!
[ZED laughs]
[PEARL] What is that?! Oh look at that arrow. It's twitching! [ZED] It's a jiggling arrow!
[PEARL] Wait, what?
[ZED] Should I tell you, Beef?
I'll put you out of your misery and put you into some other misery. [BEEF] Okay. [ZED] Okay, if you stay exactly where you are and you look very, very closely. See the purple pixels of the portal? [BEEF] Yes.
[ZED] They're all swirly around.
[ZED] If you look at those really closely
and you zoom in, what do you see? [BEEF] Uhm. Purple pi- Oh my goodness! OH WOW! What is…?! [ZED laughs] [ZED] Surprise!
[both laugh] [BEEF] Wha- What?! Hold on. How is that happening? [gasps] They're coming through the portal? [BEEF] Oh my gosh!
[both laugh]
[ZED] You got it! You got it, well done. [BEEF] That's amazing! Hold on a second. [ZED] Interdimensional security.

[ZED] Can you get rid of that jiggling arrow? [ZED] Or is it forever gonna jiggle?
[PEARL] I can't! It's-
[PEARL] It's just jiggling. It's like- Ah jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle ja ja ja. [ZED] [laughs] I quite like it,
I hope it stays there forever. [ZED] See you Beef! [BEEF] ARGH!
[both laugh]
[ghast fires] [BEEF] Oh no! Don't shoot fireballs at me!
[ZED] Oh no! [laughs]
[BEEF] I'm getting out of here, I'm leaving. Okay, we appear to have a visitor bringing us another mob to dangle. Yes, not only do we have a llama but we actually have a trader llama as well Can you pre-dangle trader llama? [laughs] There you go. Wow! Oh this one's got some bounce to it. Thank you so much! Now, back to the task at hand and the problem with stasis arrows again. This is no good because the dispenser gets the credit. for the kill and not me with my own arrows so we do need to have our very own arrow held in some kind of stasis chamber on the other side. So, let's try and work on that.

I've got a couple of ideas. Firstly, it's using the bubbly bubbles. If we very, very carefully
just do the tiniest Oh! The tiniest little one There we go and then we head
through the portal without picking up our own arrow Although, no we can't
because we're using an infinity bow so that helps a lot. There you go! Look, that arrow came through [laughs] and it's chilling out there. It's Pearl's jiggly arrow all over again. And the interesting thing about this is it won't hit me. It hit me! [laughs] Oh my goodness. It hit me right in the bow.
Look at that! It wanted to go home. Well yeah, jiggle arrows are a thing and this totally just keeps the arrow safe But then it's like
how do you get it off of there? You have to build, like, a slime pusher that, like, kicks the arrow off that just sort of goes like Petcha!
or something like that Yes.

That's exactly what you do. Fire in the hole! Boop! Oh. Maybe that doesn't work. But that only went and gone done did
give me yet another idea that's behind me now. Who needs water when arrows
just stick into blocks like this? They just stick there and stay there so then if I push this pressure plate and make the slime block go. What's going to happen?
I don't know. It works! Yes! I'm on fire as well. [chuckles] No! Put me out.
I can't fit in the crack. Oh boy. Okay, here we go. Oh, pumpkin's coming through.
Ready… Blah! Oh wow, it's interesting that
only one arrow hits you at a time. I'm still on fire. Okay, another issue with this so we'd be, like, stood here on the
other side of the portal, right? And we're firing our arrow through the portal. It would come through to the overworld and stick into a block like this Then when this pushes the other way it's going to just go back
through the portal again We don't want that.

We actually want to change
the direction of the arrow. For instance, like the end portal pretend it's like here
or something like that. We want it to be able to go
down that way So, what I'm intrigued at trying out now is if we get a block like this, we flip the piston around, Let's actually replace that out with some proper blocks, shall we? Now this piston that was
fired from this direction if we fire this slime block. Guesses down in the comments below, which way is it going to go? Is it going to go the same direction or is it going to, like,
just fall down or what? I don't know.
Do you know? I'm going to try it.
Ready… It stays exactly still. [chuckles] Ooo. Okay. Playing with this
a little bit more and I think we might
actually have something. Okay, so here's my pretend nether portal
I'm in the nether right now this is the overworld
and this is the portal to the End portal.

If we hit this slime block right on the edge like that and then when we fire this
watch what happens. Look at that! Straight.
It did go the way we wanted it to go. It's a bit unpredictable. If we do another one Boom.
Oh well, that was very predictable. Okay, thanks for showing me up. Maybe we try at the top there? Look at – woah – that one! [laughs] That one went flying.
The End portal's right here. I don't know.
Let's try one at the back one at the front one at the bottom one at the top Let's – oh it's already been extended Okay, four of them are back on
Let's see where they all go.

Incredibly different. Two stayed on, one fell down, one went there. I don't know but it works and as long as it works some of the time it's good enough for me. [chuckles] And here is the final setup, I hope at least. Anyway, we're going back
to the bubbly water stream it was just a bit more reliable than having them stuck into the slime block itself because we have another issue, right I was playing around with this a little bit and if you just kind of like
drop an arrow in so if we just kind of did something like – oh! I guess that works but if we were
to put it on a block and just drop the block down that's all well and good but then when we hop over
to the end here the trouble is…

What happens is there's not enough time They kind of spawn like in
the middle of the air right here. and very much like how if I just do this Oh! No, not like that.
If I just do a baby one straight up. There you go. You see how that arrow
didn't actually hit me. It didn't go into me. Arrows must have a sort of like
half a second delay before they're actually able to
like penetrate something. I don't know so once they appear in the end floating above here and they just fall
down that little half a block it's not enough to actually hit me so we need the arrows to be coming in
a little bit more of a crazy angle like that not just straight down so having the slime block pusherator
there with the water and the arrow floating there in the middle it's just a lot more reliable to get sort of – Hwading! –
like a sideways arrow going through this portal rather than just a little tinkle drop-down arrow if that makes any sense at all and then all I've done here is set up
a little pressure plate that goes round some repeaters here on a little bit of a delay to…

Boop! Make the slime block
actually push itself. So the plan is we'll be stood in the nether we'll do a little tiny arrow through so that then it lands in here. We will come through ourselves and we will come and stand waiting over here and then when we are ready to go we just walk backwards over the pressure plate we go into the End first and then after a short little bit of time the arrow itself flings through after us hopefully hitting us in the face. All right here we go. This is the moment of truth. We are going to do this in one long
continuous take without cuts because this bow is going to put an arrow through three dimensions
and into my face. [chuckles] Let's hope this works.
Okay, right. We want to go through to the nether And… in we go… goodbye. There we are, loading terrain Ha! Magma cube. Please don't jump up here. Okay, right we want to do a tiny little arrow tiny, tiny little arrow like that.

Yep, that's bubbling around in the water.
Wonderful. Back we go. Okay. One dimension covered. And… Oh okay, I'm at a different portal
but that's totally fine there's our arrow,
here's the pressure plate we are going to move backwards like so. [Drum roll] And… into the thing and… [Cymbal] Yes! It actually worked! Zedaph was shot by Zedaph
using all three dimensions. [MUSIC] [laughs] Oh, that arrow, wow.
That's been on a journey. Oh, and what a shot as well
right in the shoulder [chuckles] It's perfect. But there is some very sad news I got my arrow back and I got my head but I think my bow fell off the edge. Oh, unless! Oh, maybe it landed on the ledge. Please have landed on the ledge. I would love –
that was my good bow. My good bow! Oh no! Please! [laughs] Oh! It's there! It's there. Oh! Oh, Bowie! Watching back the footage you can see me you see me throw Bowie Boop – all the way over there.

What a throw! It's incredible. [chuckles] And with that success under our belt Boop! – We can officially replace
the trophy with a nice golden one. I love it! Go away, Stupid! Ahh! [kiss noises] Oh, hey, look and I think that took us long enough that our beacon has been officially
completely oxidized now which is perfect that means we can go and layer it up in the colours that we have always dreamt. Let's grab some of the beeswax
that we have over here Very nice, grab a whole stack of that and we can start waxing this up so that
it will never change ever, ever, again and right, we want to wax up
the whole bottom layer in this nice turquoisy blue then we want to shave off one singular layer and wax that ready so that it doesn't change any more.

Followed by two layers off the next one. And finally the top bit can get
fully de-oxidized again. We waited so long for this to oxidize and now we're just going round cutting it all off. Ah, there we go. Okay It's what we wanted though.
It's what we needed. That's the last bit and we take a step back and check it out. Interesting stuff. Okay, there we go that is the copper beacon kind of
officially, officially done with all the colours as well. I love it. I love it. and I've actually been hiding some extra copper around the top of the base here just kind of out the way just to oxidize it up a little bit more and we've got loads, look all this oxidized copper It's great to store it in the oxidized form
and then you can always trim it back for if you need it for any other building stuff But there is a whole chest down here in the Hall of All.

Hello. This one right here. This needs all the different types of waxed copper unwaxed copper in all the different levels so hopefully we can finish up other than these bits here
we can finish up this side of the chests of the Hall of All too which is really coming along rather nicely, isn't it? Don't you turn your butt to me. We still have one more mission to do this episode. XB invited us to Octodrop, which is
right behind me here, apparently They're all the rings [chuckles] that we're going to have to drop down through so we're going to be trying that out
in just one second after I thank my lovely, glorious,
wonderful patrons whose names are all over the screen right now These people are part of Zedcraft, my community.

A massive, massive thank you
to each and every one of you for being awesome and helping to support
me and the channel. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But now, let's go sleep because it's getting dark and then… Octodrop. So here we are inside the submarine We've got our free Octodrop token there we go and we have our potion of slow falling. Let's head right up to the top, I think. Okay, there's the rings.
Red rings are worth more so we really want to try and
aim for those where possible. Normal rings are worth one. Oh, this looks like we're in
some weird void world. What's the difference between
the black and the white rings? Oh no! I don't know my calamari. At the very top. What a view.
Oh my word. Okay. Here we go. Octodrop time, baby.

We drink this Pleuh! We throw that over there and three, two, one, let's go. Okay, right, through ring one ring two, excellent.
What happens if I hit the rim? The ring rim. Oh no, can I sprint? Oh, I kind of hit the rim there.
I don't know if that counts or not. and… schwing um… should I be? Oh no, oh dear. Oh, I'm missing everything. Oh, I'm missing absolutely everything. No. Never gonna happen, never gonna happen Rings! Please! [chuckles] Okay, is this the bullseye at the end? And… land. We did it. Excellent. I have no idea whether I did goodly or I did badly. Hmm. Okay, we did six normal rings and two red rings so I believe that is ba-ba-da-boo-ba-da-ba
ten points, I think, we get.

We will add that to the score board. That was a lot of fun. We do have a few more tries but maybe we'll practice with something first [laughs] Somewhere else
we'll just jump off some other things and have a little practice. But, last thing, before we end the episode today as always we have to look back at all of our Zedvancements
currently this season ones we have completed ones we have not yet completed and the ones on the screen right now you can see exactly how we're doing look at that! I love it. I love this list just growing and growing as always, if you've got ideas
for Zedvancements do let me know. Always happy to hear them. But until the next episode, everybody a-good, a-bye! [ZED OUTRO MUSIC].

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One Arrow through THREE Dimensions!!! - Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 9 #7

Today we aim to shoot an arrow through all THREE dimensions and into our face!

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Season 9, Episode 7.
#Zedaph #Minecraft #Hermitcraft

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